
Flyers with more information on the BISICLES and MALI ice sheet models can be found here: BISICLES, MALI

ProSPect ice sheet models will ultimately contribute to DOE’s Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM). More information can be found at the E3SM homepage.

DOE Office of Science did a story on ice sheets, our project, and how ProSPect fits in with the broader E3SM project.

Congratulations to Irina Tezaur (Sandia Nationial Laboratories) who is a 2019 Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) recipient. Irina’s work on the development of MALI under the SciDAC PISCEES project is noted in her award citation (see additional links here and here).

BISICLES was featured on the cover of Geophysical Research Letters, volume 46, no. 3.

A press release for the ISMIP6 LARMIP paper, which both BISICLES and MALI contributed simulations to, can be found here.

Press releases for the broader ISMIP6 project that ProSPect contributed to in numerous ways can be found here, from NASA and here, from LANL.

In collaboration with the E3SM Cryosphere Simulation Campaign and with support from DOE’s Data Management Program we worked with members of SciDAC’s RAPIDS institute on a number of scientific visualizations exploring ice sheet and ocean interactions in the Earth system. This work culminated in a finalist entry to the 2020 Supercomuting Scientific Visualization competition.

Most of our high-performance computing is done at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center NERSC, where our work has been highlighted in 2018, 2019, and 2020.

In May of 2021, a Nature paper was published that includes ProSPect contributions to the ISMIP6 project. The press release from the lead instituation at Kings College London can be found here. LANL and LBNL also issued their own press releases highlighting this work. The study was discussed in the New York Times and the Washington Post, as well as numerous other news outlets.

In July of 2021, Sam Kachuck was awarded a NERSC High Performance Computing Achievement Award for his work on simulations of coupled ice sheet and solid earth evolution in the Amundsen Sea Embayment. The award recognizes “early-career scientists who have made significant contributions to scientific computation using NERSC resources.”

Courtney Shafer, a student formerly working on our project at LBNL and now pursuing her PhD in glaciology at the University of Buffalo, has been awarded a DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellowship.

As part of the International Glaciological Society’s weekly seminar series, Sam Kachuck gave a presentation on the modeling of damage, fracture, and calving at the front of the Pine Island and Thwaites Glaciers, using BISICLES. That presentation can be found on the IGS youtube channel (starting at 36 minutes in).

Mauro Perego published an article in SIAM News on our long-running efforts at improving ice sheet model optimization and initialization. The article summarizes recent progress on improving optimizations in support of coupled simulations in E3SM and improved performance using new, hybrid (CPU+GPU) architectures.

Max Carlson received the best student paper award at the ESCO 2022 conference. Max presented his work on improving the performance and portability of MALI, developing tools for automatic tuning of solver options, and performance monitoring.